How to Help Control Spring Allergies – Star Heating and Cooling

Seasonal allergy sufferers understand how miserable springtime can be for them. From a runny nose, to itchy, watery eyes, to swollen nasal passages – the symptoms of spring allergies can be brutal. If you or a family member suffers from spring allergies, March and April are the right times to plan out a way to minimize allergy symptoms this coming spring.

In our most recent blog, the indoor air quality experts at Star Heating & Cooling discuss how to control spring allergy symptoms and make your home more comfortable for everyone this season! Star Heating & Cooling shares 12 simple ways you can keep seasonal allergies at bay inside your home.

12 Ways to Control Spring Allergies

With the following ideas, learn how to control spring allergies by adjusting household habits and implementing indoor air quality solutions for your HVAC system.

  1. Install a whole home air purifier or media air cleaner to reduce airborne contaminants. This equipment uses highly efficient filters with greater MERV values than the standard furnace filter to capture smaller microscopic allergen particles and more of them! These bothersome particles are removed from the home air supply, so they don’t recirculate back into your living areas and bother those with allergies. 
  2. Check your furnace filter monthly and replace it as needed. While the furnace filter’s main job is removing airborne contaminants to protect sensitive HVAC components, an added bonus is better air quality thanks to their removal of particles from the air supply. However, they aren’t effective when they are clogged, so take a peek each month to see if there is surface space left to capture contaminants. If not, replace your filter right away.
  3. When there are high pollen counts, turn on your air conditioning system instead of using fans in open windows. This limits the number of pollen particles introduced to your indoor environment and stops high pollen counts from spreading throughout the house. High levels of pollen can cause allergic reactions that lead to allergic rhinitis, water eyes, sneezing, a runny nose, and other symptoms.
  4. Outfit damp areas like basements with dehumidifiers and ultraviolet lights to stop mold growth. Dehumidifiers remove the excess moisture that creates an ideal environment for mold growth, and UV light energy neutralizes mold spores to prevent their spread and stop them from causing allergy symptoms.
  5. For targeted air cleaning, run a portable air purifier in the bedrooms to help those who suffer from spring allergies. Keep the door closed to prevent as much contaminant infiltration as possible.
  6. Another approach to control spring allergies is to cut sources of other pollution introduced to your home through human habits. Stop smoking indoors, switch to natural cleaners and air fresheners instead of chemical products, and use products that emit harsh fumes outdoors only.
  7. Reduce the amount of pet dander you are exposed to this spring by keeping indoor pets well groomed. Try to limit pets from accessing the areas where you spend the most time indoors, such as your bedroom.
  8. Controlling spring allergies is largely about limiting the introduction of contaminants into the home. Stop family members and guests from tracking in allergen particles – have them remove shoes upon entering the home and use door mats to help capture particles tracked in on shoes.
  9. Beware of door mats made from natural fibers that can break down, releasing tiny particles into the air supply. Mats made of synthetic materials will not cause this issue, but be sure to clean them regularly!
  10. Reducing spring allergies involves efficient cleaning. Use a vacuum with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter, and vacuum rugs and carpets frequently.
  11. Linens and upholstery can capture and hold contaminant particles. Wash or clean them on a regular basis. This goes for bedding, pillows, furniture covers, curtains, mats, and more.
  12. Doing outdoor chores such as mowing the lawn or other yard work creates an opportunity for your hair, skin, and clothing to collect outdoor allergen particles such as mold. After completing such tasks, remove your clothes and shower right away.

HVAC Help for Controlling Spring Allergies

Some of the solutions for controlling spring allergies mentioned above use your home’s HVAC system to reduce allergen concentrations indoors. Media air cleaners, air purifiers, ultraviolet lights, and dehumidifiers can all be installed to operate with your heating and cooling equipment to reduce allergens during allergy season. Find the best products for your home paired with expert installation when you call Star Heating & Cooling today.

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