What are the Most Common Thermostat Issues?

Make no mistake. The thermostat is a crucially important part of your home. It’s like the brain of your heating and cooling system. You just punch in the temperature setting of your heat or air conditioning, and the thermostat takes care of the rest, sensing the current temperature of the air and communicating with your HVAC system to supply the conditioned or heated air needed to reach the set temperature. With all of that complexity, a thermostat is bound to go through some issues during its lifetime of operation. If you think there’s something wrong with your thermostat, there are a few problems you can troubleshoot on your own before giving an HVAC professional a call. Read Star Heating & Cooling’s guide to the most common thermostat issues below.
1. Desired Temperature Not Being Reached
This is one of the most common thermostat problems. If you’re not getting the temperature you want from your furnace or air conditioner, check the thermostat’s batteries and change them if necessary. If your thermostat won’t turn on, it might be because of a blown fuse. Once you’ve restored power to the thermostat, check the thermostat setting to see if it is turned to “Cool Mode” or “Heat Mode.”
2. High Energy Bills
Notice a recent increase in your energy costs? This could be from your thermostat not shutting your heating and cooling system off after reaching the desired temperature. Take the temperature of the house and compare it to the set temperature on your thermostat. If the difference is drastic, you might need to replace the thermostat.
3. Thermostat is Over 10 Years Old
You might be able to dig up a receipt or check the age of your thermostat using its serial number. If the device is over 10 years old, it’s probably time to think about installing a new thermostat. If you can’t remember when your current thermostat was installed, you can call a professional to come in and determine the age.
4. Sensor Issues
The thermostat contains a number of sensors that can fail over time, causing HVAC systems to not work correctly. Heating and cooling systems rely heavily on your thermostat’s ability to read the actual room temperature. A certified HVAC system technician should check the sensors to make sure that they are working properly.
5. Dirt and Debris Buildup
Believe it or not, thermostats can stop working if they’re dirty. Over time, dust, lint, dirt, pet hair, and other particles can collect inside your thermostat and potentially block the sensors that detect the temperature of your home. If you think you have a dirty thermostat, remove the cover and clean the inside with a soft tip brush or cloth. Don’t be too rough though or you might damage some of the wires inside.
6. Wiring Issues
That said, a damaged or loose wire is a very common problem with thermostats. To see if this is what’s causing your thermostat issue, examine the inside. If there are any corroded or detached wires, contact an HVAC professional for repairs.
7. Poor Thermostat Location
Your thermostat might not be in the right part of your home to take an accurate temperature reading. This is especially true if it’s near an oven or a fireplace. A certified HVAC expert can help you resolve this issue by recommending the best placement for your thermostat.
New Thermostat Options
If it looks like a quick fix isn’t in your future, there are a ton of great options out there for thermostat replacements that can optimize your HVAC system for energy efficiency and comfort. Here are some of those options listed in order by cost:
- Manual thermostat: Manual thermostats provide you with basic temperature setting functionality and are the cheapest options available.
- Programmable thermostat: Programmable thermostats give you the ability to set temperature schedules, so the system isn’t in use when you are at the office every day.
- WiFi Thermostat: WiFi thermostats allow you to control the temperature from your smartphone.
- Smart Thermostat: Smart thermostats have the same functionality as WiFi thermostats, and also have the ability to learn your daily energy usage and optimize for Maximum efficiency.
Count on the Thermostat Experts at Star Heating & Cooling for Central Indiana Thermostat Installation & Repair
Thermostat problems may not be the most obvious, so it’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of the symptoms of a faulty thermostat. Star Heating & Cooling can help you diagnose and repair any issues that you don’t think you can address on your own. And, if it’s time to part ways with your old thermostat and install a new one, we can help you with that as well, providing you with recommendations to fit your home’s energy needs and your family’s budget. We provide expert installation, done the right way. Give us a call today for thermostat installation and repairs in Central Indiana.